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Currently reading

The Complete Novels of George Orwell
George Orwell
Ein perfekter Freund: Roman
Martin Suter
The Brothers Karamazov
Konstantin Mochulski, Andrew R. MacAndrew, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power
Steve Coll
Konstantin Mochulski, Andrew R. MacAndrew, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
May 2015
reviewed: Grote kabouter Wesley boek
Best goed, in z'n genre :-)
Grote kabouter Wesley boek - Jonas Geirnaert
finished reading:
May 2015
reviewed: The Pen is Mightier
Waw, I wasn't expecting this at all. [b:The Pen is Mightier|25437500|The Pen is Mightier|Andy C.F. Crawford|https://d.gr-asse...
The Pen is Mightier - Andy C.F. Crawford
finished reading:
May 2015
reviewed: What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
This is `Nerd Royalty', that's for sure.Being a long time fan of the online XKCD series, receiving this book from Munroe as a...
What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions - Randall Munroe
finished reading:
April 2015
reviewed: Edge of Eternity
The last book of the Century Trilogy is not a let down. It also isn't the grand magnificent closure I was perhaps hoping it t...
Edge of Eternity - Ken Follett
finished reading:
April 2015
reviewed: De vergeetput. Opgroeien in de bijzondere jeugdzorg. Getuigenissen, feiten en cijfers.
Must read voor iedereen geïnteresseerd in het welzijn van onze kinderen die het het moeilijkst hebben.Meest opvallende quote:...
De vergeetput. Opgroeien in de bijzondere jeugdzorg. Getuigenissen, feiten en cijfers. - Lorin Parys
finished reading:
April 2015
reviewed: Murder in the Mews
I was rather surprised, if not disappointed, to learn only after I started reading Murder in the Mews, that this book in the ...
Murder in the Mews - Agatha Christie
finished reading:
April 2015
reviewed: Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
The title of this book holds a great promise and is well chosen to tease first generation of full-time smartphone users. Then...
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence - Daniel Goleman
finished reading:
March 2015
reviewed: 2666
``An oasis of horror in a desert of boredom.'' -- BaudelaireIf there was ever a book impossible to write a review about, it m...
2666 - Roberto Bolaño, Natasha Wimmer
finished reading:
February 2015
reviewed: Room For Love
Picked it up almost accidentally in a book shop and was drawn in pretty quickly by the cover. The story didn't let me down an...
Room For Love - ILYA
finished reading:
December 2014
reviewed: The Beating of His Wings (Left Hand of God Trilogy 3)
Being the last book of the 'Left Hand of God'-trilogy, I was furiously hoping it would be as good as the first one and not le...
The Beating of His Wings (Left Hand of God Trilogy 3) - Paul  Hoffman
finished reading:
December 2014
reviewed: The Gospel of Loki
Really fun read for in between. The Gospel of Loki serves as a nice take on the most important Norse myths and tells you the ...
The Gospel of Loki - Joanne Harris
finished reading:
December 2014
reviewed: Long Walk to Freedom
Just finished reading Long Walk to Freedom in preparation to a holiday in South-Africa.How to review an epic work like this o...
Long Walk to Freedom - Nelson Mandela
finished reading:
November 2014
reviewed: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
This Leadership Fable is really very good. I read it on a single plane travel, but it created a lasting impact on me neverthe...
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable - Patrick Lencioni
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Zag: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands
You cannot rate a business book the same way as a work of fiction. Yet, I think 4 stars are appropriate for this book. It's d...
Zag: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands - Marty Neumeier
finished reading:
July 2014
reviewed: 1Q84
I so much wanted to rate this trilogy with 5 stars. Yet, parts of the third book disappointed me so terribly much I even stop...
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
finished reading: