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The Complete Novels of George Orwell
George Orwell
Ein perfekter Freund: Roman
Martin Suter
The Brothers Karamazov
Konstantin Mochulski, Andrew R. MacAndrew, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power
Steve Coll

The Fate of the Dwarves. Markus Heitz

The Fate of the Dwarves. Markus Heitz - Markus Heitz Fourth, largest and by far the best book of the Dwarves series by Marcus Heitz. While the first three books got steady three-star ratings, this one overly deserves four.

This final story about Tungdil Goldhand is much darker than the first three, with many scenes described in true horror-style. The doubt about the identity of the hero of the story keeps you very alert as a reader.

The dwarves-series was slowly beginning to bore me after the third book. Am I happy I did give this fourth and final one a go. Apart from the rather silly death of Tungdil at the end I absolutely loved this last tale. I would almost advise people to go through the first three books, just for being able to enjoy this last, largest and most epic one.

Loved it!